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Djilba Season at Wildflower

Djilba – Season of Conception

Djilba Season at Wildflower

Djilba Season

A swooping Koolbardi (Magpie) may have you in its protective sights and the Djidi Djidi (Willy Wag Tails) busy themselves as busy-bodies do. DJILBA is upon us and this Noongar season of conception is considered to be the First Spring.

A transitional time of year, we flit from the defrosting glisten of warming sunshine, to the intermittent return of rain clouds and reminiscent chills.

The flaxen glow of yellow Acacia flowers explode into a tapestry of floral fabric on Country, all as we wait for the dawning of summer…


Ingredient in Focus

Locally sourced produce is the driving endeavour for Wildflower Head Chef, Matthew Sartori. Combined with seasonal favourites, such as our succulent Wanneroo strawberries – paired with the exotic and obscure, the results are a deep exploration into a new-found food generation that exudes a fresh and flavourful tradition.

“I am very excited to be using this new season produce as we have created a dessert for FLOW where we are pairing the strawberries with strawberry gum, a type of Eucalyptus grown in the Great Southern, and native thyme grown in Sawyers Valley.

Our new pre dessert revolves around desert limes from Gin Gin, deliciously unctuous wildflower honey, and olive oil from the Great Southern – a creation that is finished with the powdered oil and bee pollen.”

Head Chef, Michael D’adamo’s


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