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Makuru Season at Wildflower

Makuru – Season of Fertility

Makuru Season at Wildflower

Makuru Season

The winds turn to the west and reach for the south as we brace for MAKURU, the Noongar season that symbolises rain and cold weather.

Drenched in stormy hues of grey and blue, this shift once brought a move inland, as waterways filled and food sources changed from ocean to earth.

The blurred months of MAKURU – mostly June and July, now offer a rain-splashed view through the glass panes of Wildflower; a city sight to contemplate what this winter outlook once held, when black swans filled our rivers in abundance and kangaroos grazed to sustain warmth against the chill.

Appetites change and winter is upon us.


Ingredient in Focus

The native Finger Lime – Citrus australasica, is considered as hard to propagate as caviar is expensive. These mouth bursts of luscious, citric gold are richly Australian and express a brilliance of flavour that belies belief until you witness the salivation that follows.

“At Wildflower we are very lucky to have a relationship with Mark and Vickie from Marvick Farms, who in my opinion produce some of the best native limes we have used in the restaurant. Their farm in Red Gully is 120km north-east of Wildflower.

The pop of the finger lime pearls add an extra dimension of flavour and texture to our cured snapper dish, the first dish on our tasting menu, paired with a katsuobushi and lemon myrtle infused crème fraiche, finely chopped Geraldton Wax, sea purslane and a ginger dressing.

Not only do we use the pearls of the lime, we also use the skins to season the brine which adds a citrusy note to the snapper.”

Head Chef, Michael D’adamo’s


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