An art installation developed for Cathedral Square, AEON (or Zero) by Perth artist Tom Mùller is a site-resonant and experiential installation conceived in response to the significance and notion of ‘centering’ a city.
AEON (or Point Zero) is a free art installation developed for Cathedral Square by Perth artist Tom Mùller.
It is a light and sound experiential installation conceived in response to the significance of ‘centering’ a city, and what it means to be standing inside ‘Point Zero’.
Point Zero is the marker from which all distances to Perth are measured and represents the centre point and civic heart of the city. In 1925, a physical marker was installed to mark Point Zero at the state’s first post office, situated on the south-east corner of the Old Treasury building, the corner of Cathedral Avenue and St Georges Terrace.
Point Zero continues to be the marker for all distances measured to and from Perth worldwide and, as a corner of the revitalised Cathedral Square precinct, marking a return of activity for the city to where it all began.
Dancers will perform between 6pm – 7.30pm. Please refer to on-site signage for information on experiencing AEON.
AEON, by Tom Mùller, has been made possible with assistance from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries CBD Revitalisation Grant Program.
Artist Impression: Tom Mùller
AEON will be located on the centre of the Cathedral Square Lawn, and will come to light at 6pm Thursday to Sunday, contemporary dancers will perform between 6pm – 7.30pm. The public can interact with AEON from 7.30pm – 9pm.
To ensure your safety please abide by the following:
- Remove shoes before stepping onto AEON.
- Children under 5 are not to enter AEON without a guardian.
- A maximum #10 people are allowed on AEON at any one time.