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Djeran Season at Wildflower

Djeran – Season of Adulthood

Djeran Season at Wildflower

Djeran Season

The Noongar season of adulthood is upon us and brings a break in the weather with a welcome and dewy dawning.

DJERAN sprouts yellow fruits, red flowers, viscous nectar and brilliant colours reminiscent of other-earthly flames gone by. All in shifting ceremony from the second summer of BUNURU.

Wildflower celebrates these offerings delivered from this earth and asks that nature is the constant guide to its harvesting.

Here we seep slowly into the next cycle. DJERAN may cool our clouds but will forever warm our senses…


Ingredient in Focus

The colour braces you for a burst of golden, citrus glory. Matthew Sartori’s pre dessert is a sensory depiction of the revered Sunrise Lime.

“I have to confess, Sunrise Lime is my absolute favourite citrus, and when they are fresh and at their peak – like they are now, I am very excited to incorporate them in our menu. I also can’t help myself but to pair ingredients together that share commonalities in their colour.

Sunrise Lime is one of the first native ingredients I was exposed to whilst working at Restaurant Amuse with Chef Hadleigh. The limes were simply sliced in half, brûléed with a little sugar and then served as one of the petit fours to finish up the diner’s meal.

When developing the DJERAN dish, I had this philosophy in mind, so that our guests can see the fruit in its pure form. The dessert is layered upon a frozen coconut marshmallow, with a mango sorbet, fresh Sunrise Lime, lemon aspen gel, a Sunrise Lime crisp and yuzu seasoned sesame seeds.”

Head Chef, Michael D’adamo’s


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